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Thursday, November 15, 2012

I must stay calm and be solid

These are the most challenging times in my life. Katie is divorcing me because she has been unhappy for 2 years and to top it off she started a physical, emotional relationship with another man even before we divorced. I have been getting help but I also know that I must be calm and solid through out this whole thing, for my kids sake and mine. Katie has made choices and has to live with those consequences. My role is to make sure my kids are safe in every way.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Dad! I wish you were here.

This is one of the most challenging times in my life. My wife wants to divorce me. I do not know 100% why. She says we are traveling different paths and that I'm too complacent. There is more but I'm not sure what it is. Dad, I wish you were here because you have been through this and I know if you could not help you would be there for support. We still love each other but I guess she is not "in love" with me any more. I still am "in love" with her. I should not be because of how she hurt me but it is something I can't help. She did have an emotional affair which could have moved into something more but I am not 100% sure or I'm denying it.  Dad, I did get your is something that gives me a little hope.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Still going through alot

It has been 5 weeks of the awful event. I'm feeling even worst even though there have been some headway. But I'm still not sure if it will happen or not.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

These are very difficult times for me now

Dad. I'm having something really awful happening in my life right now. It is so awful that I can't really say it on this blog. I wish you were here to guide me through this awful event in my life. I know you may not have the answers but you would be there for support, I know that. So, Dad please be present with me during this time from the beyond. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Happy Birthday Dad!

Yesterday was my dad's Birthday! He would have been 70 years old. He probably would had gotten up early in the morning and gone to his favorite fishing spot on some unknown stream here in Vermont. He diffidently would not have worked. He may have even been retired by now. He probably would had made a couple trips to his various Grand kids...while he was going on these fishing adventures.  He may have even picked one up to join him. Dad loved his family and he also loved his alone time .  These are traits that I feel I have inherited. Yes! Dad's Birthday was a sacred event.

Friday, July 06, 2012

Where is that writer's bug?!

The past 2 weeks I have worked every Thursday up at the beautiful Breadloaf campus in Ripton, Vt. The Breadloaf School of English is in full swing. I am surrounded by bright English students and professors. I was hopping that being around so many creative people that the writer's bug would bite me. I had a beetle bite me but nothing happened.  Is that the allusive bug and I just did not recognize it?!  I did write a little on the Star Wars script I'm working on. I write here. I guess just writing is the 1st step in the creative part of writing. Well we shall see.

Monday, June 18, 2012

I took a public step!

I nervously took my my 1st public step in my writing (not including this blog). I submitted my animation pilot series "Sabi Star" to Amazon Studios. This means that my script (which I had it copyrighted.) will be viewed by other writer, directors, producers, animators in a public forum. It will stay up there for 45 days than it will either be considered for a project or bought. Let's see what happens. In the mean time I need to continue writing more about the series. I want to write at least 2 more episodes.   

Monday, June 11, 2012

Inspiration from a friend

I have a friend named Aaron. He is a creative, energetic, gentle giant of a guy. “The Green Candle Theatre Company” of Burlington, Vt has become his playground for creativity, in which he is the president of these local artisans. This is a troupe of actors who perform only original material and all this is on practically a non-extant budget.  
 Aaron just finished a long running show called “The Napoleon 2012”. This show ran for impressive 6 weeks. I’m not sure how successful the show was but I was impressed by it.  I had a unique point of view due to the fact that I knew Aaron. Some of the scenes were very “Aaronfied”. In other words, Aaron brought his own distinct personality into it. There were times were Katie and I were the only ones laughing, because of the “Aaronfied” scenes.
My friend Aaron (the bearded one)
There was an introduction in the beginning of the brochure to this creative endeavor that really hit home to me  (which my wife pointed out to me). My interpretation to it is the following: Dream. Follow-up to those dreams. Strive to make the dreams a reality. Don’t worry about doubt or criticism. These are concepts that I must follow. I thank my friend Aaron for reminding me of these wonderful ideas. I will strive to live up to these tenants! Thanks, Brother!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Another Soul joins my Dad.

I was told this story about my dad by our neighbor, who lived in the log cabin house right next door to my Dad's house.
             "One day I came home and I smelled gas. I knew that the fuel people came and filled our tank. But I was worried about the smell. So, I got my portable phone, went out onto the porch and called Dick. After explaining to him he decides to come over. I tried to have him just explain what to do over the phone but he insisted on coming over. Shortly after I hung up, Dick come slowly walking over with his trusty Sheltie, Sable at his side. We searched the house together. After numerous rests, Dick assured me that everything was ok. We sad chatting in the living room for awhile. I asked one more time if it was okay for me to use any electronic devices. His reply was "Sure, Just wait until I'm out side."
            Deb, shared this story with me while we were talking about her dad, who had a terminally ill cancer, at the time. I shared my experience with my dad's cancer and passing. I can't remember everything I said but the one thing that I do remember is that although my dad was near the end, he still  kept his humor.  Deb's Dad had this same attitude.  This Post is dedicated to  Deb's dad who is now with my dad. My they continue their humorous ways up in Heaven.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

H.P is at it again! IN a good way!

I love supporting Indie writers. I'm hoping I'll be there one of these day! I'm Sure Dad would love to read a published book by Shawn A O'Neil!

Thursday, March 01, 2012

A New O'Neil Homestead?

The Bristol house is no longer ours. The house that all my kids grew up in is no longer theirs. We are beginning a new legacy of the O'Neil family. We moved to Lincoln and live in a beautiful house in the mountains. We diligently strive to purchase it instead of renting it. I want to make it the new "O'Neil homestead". Dad would have loved it up here and he would have found every excuse to stop by and visit. Well Dad, if you want to take a break from your new adventures of the after life, stop by and say hi.

Monday, January 23, 2012

New Year New New begining

We finally sold our Bristol house that we lived 10 years in. We are now debt free and non home owners. I feel renewed. This would be a good time to start thing fresh. Start new and good habits, like exercising and good writing habits.
Dad, you would love were we are living now. If you were around you would be up here all the time. I feel that this new place could be the new O'Neil homestead. Since dad has gone to the beyond the old "homestead" is no longer the same. We shall see what happens. We need to be smart about purchasing this new place. Renting for a while may have to be option at this point but I have faith that we will eventually own this place.