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Thursday, October 06, 2011

Let the morning come.

Waking up and writing before anyone or anything is fully awake is refreshing. Everything is new and the air seems crisp even if I'm sitting in my cozy house. It's days like these that start the day out right.
This blog has always been a "me" blog. No one really reads it. Only those who I direct to it. I'm not even sure what key words you would type to find it. My wife suggest that I change the title. What would it be? "Shawn's writing journal"..."Memories of the O'Neil"...I think I will keep it "WooWoo stuff" for a while longer. Which, is a term I created for all those unexplained things in life (one of the phrases in my title). It seems these "wooWoo stuff" are less frequent. I think I am just less receptive to them in my busy days of not listen.

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