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Friday, October 14, 2011

The 1st thing that come to you when you wake up.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." -Joshua 1:9
This was the 1st thing that came to me as I woke up in the morning the other day. A bible verse. How strange. But this particular verse has meaning for me. The last time this verse was important to me or appeared in my life was 24 years ago.I was rustling with making a big move. Should I move to Nevada or stay here in Vermont. I saw this bible verse on my good friend's refrigerator, who happened to have a dad who was my minister. This verse hit me...It did not matter what choice I made...God would be with me and I had to have courage in what I I moved to Nevada and it was an important part in my life. Vermont ended up calling me back and I met Katie my true love and soul mate when I came back. Now, this verse is up again. I don't think that I'll be moving to another state. I think this is encouragement for the housing moves we are making and for me to have courage in my pursuit to be a writer. All I know is no matter what becomes of me and my family in the choices that Katie and I will make, God will be with us.

Friday, October 07, 2011


We all have our challenges in life. How do you determine whose are greater than other? A Kid who has no home lives off the streets and scrounging for food every day. The business man who needs to make that deal so that he can get that big bonus so he can buy his wife the diamond ring she has been bugging him about. Which challenge is greater? Could it be prospective?
A challenge in my life is this writing. It Amazes me that putting words down in a entertaining and comprehensive structure can bring a salary in for someone. How much is writing worth to that homeless kid or that business man? Could it bring that kid out of poverty into a better life? Would the business man be happier? Like I said before... it is all prospective. Well, for this ones prospective; I write to write.What ever that does for me I will be happy.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Let the morning come.

Waking up and writing before anyone or anything is fully awake is refreshing. Everything is new and the air seems crisp even if I'm sitting in my cozy house. It's days like these that start the day out right.
This blog has always been a "me" blog. No one really reads it. Only those who I direct to it. I'm not even sure what key words you would type to find it. My wife suggest that I change the title. What would it be? "Shawn's writing journal"..."Memories of the O'Neil"...I think I will keep it "WooWoo stuff" for a while longer. Which, is a term I created for all those unexplained things in life (one of the phrases in my title). It seems these "wooWoo stuff" are less frequent. I think I am just less receptive to them in my busy days of not listen.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Starting the writer's habit

I have dedicated this whole blog to my dad. This is a way to remember him and to honor him. It is also a way for me to use my gift of writing. A gift that my dad would be proud of. I may not have been the perfect son for him or did things the way he would want me to do it. Especially when It came to fixing things. :) But dad would love to read what I write (and perhaps comment on it). So, the things I write from now on may not mention my dad, like I try to do in the previous posts. It doesn't in any way mean that I have forgotten him or dishonor him.I hope to think that what ever I write will honor him and make him proud to call me his son.